Understanding Agile Testing: Life Cycle, Strategy, and More

Understanding Agile Testing: Life Cycle, Strategy, and More

Agile software development adopts an incremental approach to building software, and agile testing methodology follows suit by incrementally testing features as they are developed. Despite agile’s widespread adoption—reportedly used by 71% of companies globally—many organizations, especially those in regulated industries needing formal documentation and traceability, still rely on waterfall or hybrid development models. Meanwhile, some…

Top 8 Cybersecurity Trends in 2024

Cybersecurity Trends: 8 Emerging Trends to Watch Out in 2024

Cybersecurity is the art of safeguarding networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or misuse, ensuring information remains confidential, intact, and accessible. While cybersecurity isn’t a new concept, it’s on the cusp of significant changes in 2024. Cyber threats are not only increasing in frequency but also growing more sophisticated, fueled by the widespread adoption…

What Is Penetration Testing? | A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding your strengths, vulnerabilities, and where your team should allocate time is crucial in the realm of cybersecurity. However, determining these factors and prioritizing tasks can be challenging. So, conducting penetration testing is a highly effective approach to gaining clarity. Penetration testing is a solid basis for any security team. It excels at pinpointing what…

functional testing

What is Functional Testing? Types and Comprehensive Guide

In today’s ever-evolving software development landscape, functional testing is critical to ensuring that software satisfies its intended specifications and functions seamlessly. Beyond only finding bugs, functional testing examines how well each component works together to contribute to the overall success of the application.  In this article, we will guide you through the comprehensive exploration of…

Black box penetration testing

Black Box Penetration Testing: Usage, Techniques, Process 

Penetration testing, or pen testing, also called ‘ethical hacking’, in the world of software testing is a cybersecurity practice that involves simulating cyberattacks on computer systems, networks, or applications to identify and address security vulnerabilities. Black box penetration testing, together with gray box penetration testing and white box penetration testing, makes up the three major…