How to hire a Test Automation Engineer

5 Steps To Hire A Test Automation Engineer

  Automation testing has emerged as a new destination for quality assurance, resulting in consistently high demand for automation testing labor. But amid the tech talent war, companies do need an effective test automation engineer hiring process to attract quality automation candidates. So, in this article, we will guide you through 5 steps to hire a test…

Top 5 mobile testing trend in 2021

Top 5 Mobile Testing Trends in 2021

When B2C enterprises use mobile applications to attract consumers’ engagement in e-commerce, banking, and marketing; B2B firms use them to manage the company’s operations, tracking the performance of employees, and collaboration with partners. Come with the rising frequency of mobile application usage is the demand for increasing the application quality. If you want to update…

Testing methods

Test design techniques

1. What are the Test design techniques? Basically, Test design techniques help us choose a good test set from the total number of tests possible for a given system. There are different types of software testing techniques, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Exhaustive testing is not possible, so Manual Testing Techniques helps to…